Please Note that I am neither a physician nor a social worker. Check with your physicians and/or members of your medical team before considering using any of the tools and/or strategies suggested herein.****

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tip #103 Wise Words Wednesday; Keep on Truckin'

Happy Fall! I love this time of year - the trees are so pretty, and we are harvesting our crops (certain types of wheat, soy beans, cattle corn, etc.). And while - yes - that is fantastic for farmers, we especially love it when those crops are at their best. In other words, we love it when we can reap the rewards of the land, and the financial rewards that come with quality crops. The trouble is, you can't control quality in some circumstances - like when the weather is being uncooperative. If it's too rainy in the spring, you can't get the crops in on time, with too much rain at harvest, your crops are too moist, and/or it's too hard to get your tractor to not destroy the field as it sinks in the mud, and so on….

One of the things I love about my farmer hubby is that he can go with the flow instead of being agitated and in a state of unrest because the crops require something that can't be done. He's able to let go of what he can't control. A steady, even keel approach. That's not to say that he doesn't care, or isn't human, or that it doesn't stress him out - he's just great at managing it all. Why would you worry about something you can't control? Wait for it to do what it does, and then we will regroup. How I wish I could do that more!

Okay, why all the talk about farming? Well, most farmers that I have met have the same attitude as my husband. Not all, but most it seems. In terms of recovering from trauma or a severe illness, we could all stand to have a farmer attitude. For example, why stress so much about what the swab will say? Either you have an infection or you don't, and worrying about what those results are isn't going to change anything, it'll just drive you nuts. Having said that, I get that it is "easier to talk-the-talk" than "walk-the-walk."

Okay, on to the wise words…. So, this week hubby borrowed a really big truck (apparently a triaxle truck with a triaxle pony, aka a "truck and pup." Why it's a pup if it's a pony I ask? But I digress). He was driving this really big truck, and there was a poster in the truck that made him laugh and think of sending it to me. I guess maybe regular truckers might be like a lot of farmers? Here's the quote. It's been our mantra lately….

Happy Truckin'!


1 comment:

  1. and for those of us with little kids, it's Dory from Finding Nemo "Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming..."
