Please Note that I am neither a physician nor a social worker. Check with your physicians and/or members of your medical team before considering using any of the tools and/or strategies suggested herein.****

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tip #310 Wise Words Wednesday; Oooops...I did it this time

Hello again,
     Well, if you looked at my post from earlier today, you will in fact see how my brain works in organizing posts. OOOPS!!! I did not mean to publish, I meant to save what I had started... silly me. I can't say oops I did it again, but I've always worried that that was a possibility - and now I've finally done it. You must have thought I was off my rocker to post that way! 
     So, if you'd like to read the final cut, please continue... Here's where I meant to start, and what I meant to say! Though, I did take a bunch of material out to put it towards another post... so if anything seems to be missing - it is. That van Gogh quote will appear next week, too. So here's the post:
     It seems as though lately all I can manage is the Wednesday quotes. Every week I have plans to put a few posts out, and, as you may have noticed, I don't. I have so many ideas for posts (hundreds in fact), and am excited to write said posts, but these last few weeks it just wasn't possible. In the past, that would have made me feel irresponsible (what do you mean I can't accomplish the plans no one else knows that I have set for myself), a slacker (why didn't you push to do it. You could have at least planned out the structure of the post when you were vomiting... your brain was free even though your body was not...) and many other crazy responses. Thank God (and I really do thank God) that I no longer work that way, think that way, or have those types of expectations.   
     And guess what? I think I end up healthier (stress and pressure are never a good feeling to summon up), and get more done. Let me rephrase that - I get more of the right things done... right as in, well, balanced. I didn't get two posts in this week, but I spent some wonderful beautiful time with my beautiful niece, miss D. And that puts me in a better frame of mind for doing anything, like writing for example - and being as good a wife as I can be, and a happy relaxed person. I'm not always there - but it's more possible with balance, and easier to laugh when things aren't done.
     The irony here is that I wrote the above this morning, and could not get to finishing the post. And, one of those reasons was that I was having such a great time with another niece - funny how that happens. And right now am I mortified that many of you would have gotten to see the way I was setting up my blog? No. Not at all. I just think it's funny - and again, that you might have thought that I had lost my mind makes me chuckle. Maybe I have lost my mind (or lost it long ago...) - but I'm okay with that today. It's amazing how perspective makes it easier to cope with being human...
    So, when do we get to the wise words part of Wednesday? Right now. Here they are in all their glory....

Sometimes all you can do is all you can do; and that's okay. 

     Okay, so it's not the most eloquent of quotes, nor the most prolific, but I still think it rings true. I want to do more than I can. Always. But I can't. Complicated, I know (LOL!). But 5 years from now will I care about the fact that I accidentally posted something I didn't mean to, or that I didn't post more than one post per week? Absolutely not. So why sweat it now? 
As an aside, please note that I actually don't think that anyone lives or dies by my posting on the blog. Not at all... it's simply one example of the way I approach things in life, and the expectations I have of myself to contributing even something tiny to the world or just one other person in life, while learning and challenging myself. 
     Okay, so I think I'm going to leave it at that, and let you think of any of the things that you do in life for which you may have higher expectations of yourself than others could ever have. Then, try to give yourself a break. Life it complicated right now, and the "all you can do part" might look different these days. And that's okay. Really. Perhaps you may decide to consider how to balance things a little more, change some expectations, and recover better and faster as a result too. Maybe not. That's up to you of course.... 
     Um, in parting please allow me to say that this baby girl (also my niece) had me smiling and giggling for much of the day today. That brings me joy beyond measure. I hope seeing her look at herself in the iPad camera makes you giggle today too. Now, I'm going to go put my feet up, relax, and laugh that I did something so silly today. Maybe you should too! 

Happy giggling!

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