I'm finding it hard to believe that it is (almost) Wednesday again! Do you sometimes feel like you are't accomplishing all that much? I do. If you do too, keep on reading…
I love this quote for 2 reasons…
1) For type A people like me, when I'm ill I like to include things like "shower" on my list. It wasn't a candidate for the list when I could do more, but as health changes, so must expectations or - in my opinion - you drive yourself crazy.
2) I think it's fun. And, anything that can lend humour to recovering from severe illness or trauma (intentional or not) is a very good thing!
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Click Here for (hopefully) the original location.
Happy Breathing!
I love this quote. Sometimes I feel that way as a mom! Have you noticed from my comments that a lot of what you go through in recovery a lot like what I go through as a parent? scary... for you I mean! ; )